Common Sense for the New Times

Common Sense for the New Times
Tag climate chaos

Universal Income may increase environmental damage.
I recently had a social media conversation about Universal Basic Income, and I would like to expand on it here. I think a UBI may greatly increase our environmental impact—and produce only a more equitable arrangement of deck chairs on…
At the end of the world, there is plenty to do.
“Well, should we just give up then?” If only I had a dollar for every time I have heard this, always from well-meaning people.⊕Well, if I had a dollar for each time, I would be drinking Laphroaig right now, with…
Do street trees increase the environmental impact of cities?
Trees are green, right? And green is good, right? So trees must be good, right? How could trees be bad for the environment? Many of us have a sense that we are not on the right path; in our bones…
Vertical farms: A bad solution to the wrong problem.
Sustainable means able to be sustained, and the alternative, then, is things that are unable to be sustained.⊕Bill Rees, the co-developer of Ecological Footprinting, says sustainability is like pregnancy. You either are or you aren’t, no sorta. You can read my…
We have enough Ideas (or, No pie for you.)
Why are we not winning the fight against climate chaos? Why was Trump just elected? Why has there been a slaughter of drug addicts this year? Because we think about change wrong,⊕You can read all my past writings on this…
New Ways to Warm Your Bum
Originally published on theTyee.ca. Forget patio heaters. Use the heat restaurants cook up. I live in a nice neighbourhood. The pleasantly tattered barbershops and import food stores of Little Italy are only recently being replaced with baby boutiques and doggy…