Tag garbage and recycling

Crushing the Solar Garbage Compactor

I am not a violent man—but I can be quite ‘passionate’, and today I am feeling passion about solar garbage compacters. It may seem an unlikely lens, but garbage compactors are—ahem—very juicy. The passion precipitating post, on TreeHugger, was mostly…

Loaner Bags by Deposit

Originally published on theTyee.ca. Ever felt guilty for forgetting your re-useable bag at home? Felt the accusing stare of the clerk or fellow shoppers? With the memory of Christmas giving so fresh in our minds, redolent with blister packs and…

Let’s Claim Our Rotting Riches

Originally published on theTyee.ca. A truly cool city would feature a short stroll to the local worm bin. You and I are caring people. And caring people care about composting, which is why many of us bemoan the fact that…

The 50-Million-Tree Slurp

originally posted on theTyee.ca. Hey coffee drinker, isn’t it time you started mugging it up? We have some amazing technology developing here in Canada. Homegrown high-tech whiz-bang — Nobel Prize material, really. This system is too good to be true:…

New Wine in Old Bottles

We do it with beer. Why not vino? I don’t usually have much difficulty in liquor stores; after all, the only product they sell is one of my favourite things. This time, though, I wanted to buy my red table…