Tag TreeHugger

Crushing the Solar Garbage Compactor

I am not a violent man—but I can be quite ‘passionate’, and today I am feeling passion about solar garbage compacters. It may seem an unlikely lens, but garbage compactors are—ahem—very juicy. The passion precipitating post, on TreeHugger, was mostly…

The 3D Printing Bubble

This is a post with me, or about me, or something. After I engaged in a protracted argument in the comments section, Lloyd Alter summarized it into a post in its own right. Hint—I don’t think 3D printers are all…

Easy Homemade Soap

This was one of my first posts on TreeHugger.com. One day I tried to figure out why no one knows how to do anything anymore. We can’t understand, let alone repair, most of the gadgets we use everyday. We increasingly…

The Perogy Party

This is one of my first posts from TreeHugger, originally published as Buy Nothing Day Doesn’t Mean Living Less. Buy Nothing Day is a holiday dear to my heart. Proud as I am to be associated with TreeHugger, I know…

Your new car makes me Green with Envy.

This was one of my first posts on TreeHugger.com. See the original article here. A new kind of greenspace rolled out for this year’s International Car-Free day in Vancouver, BC – a Car Park. The Vancouver Design Nerds, a fluid…