Tag Urban Design

Why Green is not Sustainable.

“An Environmentalist on the Lie of Locavorism” crossed my desk the other day. It’s a pretty eye-catching title, pitting “An Environmentalist” against local eating and urban farming, darlings of greens and urban planners everywhere – and calling them liars, to…

Crushing the Solar Garbage Compactor

I am not a violent man—but I can be quite ‘passionate’, and today I am feeling passion about solar garbage compacters. It may seem an unlikely lens, but garbage compactors are—ahem—very juicy. The passion precipitating post, on TreeHugger, was mostly…

Let’s Pave Streets Green

Originally published on theTyee.ca. Would you give up your extra parking spot for a garden plot? The asphalt will crack and erupt, and green plants and vines will sprout forth. No, this isn’t my end of the world prophecy, this…