The 3D Printing Bubble
This is a post with me, or about me, or something. After I engaged in a protracted argument in the comments section, Lloyd Alter summarized it into a post in its own right. Hint—I don’t think 3D printers are all…
Common Sense for the New Times
Common Sense for the New Times
This is a post with me, or about me, or something. After I engaged in a protracted argument in the comments section, Lloyd Alter summarized it into a post in its own right. Hint—I don’t think 3D printers are all…
Orginally published on the Glenbrook North Zero Waste Blog (more about them at the end). I keep a lot of my dry goods in glass jars to keep them fresh and safe from insects. And, of course I hate garbage, so…
Originally published on Ever felt guilty for forgetting your re-useable bag at home? Felt the accusing stare of the clerk or fellow shoppers? With the memory of Christmas giving so fresh in our minds, redolent with blister packs and…
Originally published on Forget patio heaters. Use the heat restaurants cook up. I live in a nice neighbourhood. The pleasantly tattered barbershops and import food stores of Little Italy are only recently being replaced with baby boutiques and doggy…
Originally published on A truly cool city would feature a short stroll to the local worm bin. You and I are caring people. And caring people care about composting, which is why many of us bemoan the fact that…
originally posted on Hey coffee drinker, isn’t it time you started mugging it up? We have some amazing technology developing here in Canada. Homegrown high-tech whiz-bang — Nobel Prize material, really. This system is too good to be true:…
Originally published on Would you give up your extra parking spot for a garden plot? The asphalt will crack and erupt, and green plants and vines will sprout forth. No, this isn’t my end of the world prophecy, this…
We do it with beer. Why not vino? I don’t usually have much difficulty in liquor stores; after all, the only product they sell is one of my favourite things. This time, though, I wanted to buy my red table…
My first post on The original article is here. Trash is a choice. Time for Cradle to Cradle design. A month after Vancouver finally settled its garbage strike, people are breathing easier…
This was one of my first posts on One day I tried to figure out why no one knows how to do anything anymore. We can’t understand, let alone repair, most of the gadgets we use everyday. We increasingly…
This is one of my first posts, on TreeHugger. You can see the original article here. I do almost everything different when I make yogourt today, but that will have to be the subject of another post. ***Edit*** That other…
This is one of my first posts from TreeHugger, originally published as Buy Nothing Day Doesn’t Mean Living Less. Buy Nothing Day is a holiday dear to my heart. Proud as I am to be associated with TreeHugger, I know…
This was one of my first posts on See the original article here. A new kind of greenspace rolled out for this year’s International Car-Free day in Vancouver, BC – a Car Park. The Vancouver Design Nerds, a fluid…
This is one of my first posts, from TreeHugger. The original post can be seen here. Kudos to Canon and HP. A recent post highlighted the product stewardship programs that the two companies have launched for consumer products and printer…
Apologies for giving you a crick in your neck, but I was trying to make a point…click to biggify.